On Sep 20, 2014, at 20:00 , Hanspeter Niederstrasser <f...@snaggledworks.com> 
> On 9/20/2014 6:44 PM, Kevin Horton wrote:
>>> On Sep 20, 2014, at 17:42 , Hanspeter Niederstrasser 
>>> <hanspe...@snaggledworks.com> wrote:
>>> Dear Fink developers:
>>> The recent buildworld run did not validate the .info and .deb files. I've 
>>> manually run the builworld debs through the validator and the following 
>>> debs came out with errors:
>>> Validating .deb file graphics/aquaterm-shlibs_1.1.1-2_darwin-x86_64.deb...
>>> Error: Framework files not part of a specific library-version, but package 
>>> does not declare BuildDependsOnly to be true (or false)
>>>     Offending file: /sw/Library/Frameworks/AquaTerm.framework/AquaTerm
>>>     Offending file: /sw/Library/Frameworks/AquaTerm.framework/Headers/
>>>     Offending file: /sw/Library/Frameworks/AquaTerm.framework/Resources/
>>>     Offending file: 
>>> /sw/Library/Frameworks/AquaTerm.framework/Versions/Current/
>>> Hanspeter
>> I need some assistance resolving the reported validation issues with the 
>> aquaterm package.
>> 1. Hanspeter - I don’t get the above errors when I build the package in 
>> maintainer mode, using fink 0.37.0.  What validation test are you running? 
>> In the future, I’d hope to catch these issues myself, before I release a 
>> package.
>> 2. Reading the error message, and reviewing the Packaging Manual, it looks 
>> like I could avoid the error by adding “BuildDependsOnly: False”.  But, I 
>> don’t understand the implications of doing that, nor do I know what I should 
>> write in the DescPackaging field.  Or, is there a way to fix the root 
>> problem, rather than putting a bandage over the error?
> 1) I'm using a validator test that just went into git HEAD:
> https://github.com/fink/fink/commit/c47d5780ba1b4d0954d1a655d6e2c6afd235e757
> 2) The proper fix is to move files in unversioned directories (those 
> marked as offending above) to the BuildDependsOnly aquaterm-dev package. 
> Bump %r to 3 or higher, and add "Replaces: aquaterm-shlibs (<= 1.1.1-2)" 
> to the -dev SplitOff so that the new aquaterm-dev-1.1.1-3 package can 
> overwrite the now overlapping files from the old aquaterm-shlibs_1.1.1-2 
> package. You can see what I did to qt4-base-mac to fix the same error 
> for comparison: 
> <http://fink.cvs.sourceforge.net/viewvc/fink/dists/10.7/stable/main/finkinfo/libs/qt4-base-mac.info?r1=1.13&r2=1.14>

The validator is complaining about everything that is in the framework - every 
single top level directory!  All its complaints are about the symlinks that 
contain the whole of the framework, including the portions that are declared as 
shlibs.  Is none of the framework required during run time?  I’d run that test 
myself, but so far I’ve failed to craft an updated info file that installs 
without error.

Kevin Horton
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