Hi Jack,
> Derek,
>      The following changes to pytables-py.info aids in the migration
> of the fink packages to the newer hdf5.9 and fixes the current

thanks for taking care of this, had it on my todo list for a while.

> validation error about "ompiled python module points to fink build
> dir". The packaging now passes 'fink -m' on 10.10 as well as with
> 'fink install pytables-py27' and 'fink remove pytables-py27 to confirm
> the .pyo files created in the PostInstScript are removed in the
> PreRmScript.

Ah, did not notice that failed tests would break the cleanup! Though I actually
had seen this in other packages before. 
But I am a bit wary about manipulating files directly in %i; this could be fixed
alternatively well by making sure the test script is correctly intercepted even
on returning an error:

<  %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] setup.py install --cflags='-I%p/include' 
--lflags='-L%p/lib' --hdf5=%p/ --lzo=%p/ --bzip2=%p/ --root=%d 
>  %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] setup.py install -O1 --cflags='-I%p/include' 
> --lflags='-L%p/lib' --hdf5=%p/ --lzo=%p/ --bzip2=%p/ --root=%d 
<   %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] -B -c 'import tables, sys; r=tables.test(); 
<   find %b/build/lib.macosx-*-%type_raw[python] -name '*.py[oc]' -exec rm {} \;
>   %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] -B -c 'import tables, sys; r=tables.test(); 
> sys.exit(r)' || TESTFAIL=$?
>   find %b/build -name '*.py[oc]' -exec rm {} \;
>   find %b/build -name __pycache__ -exec rm -r {} \;

The .pyo files would also be taken care of that way.
Built this with -m on 10.10 for py27 and py34, and tested the uninstall as well.
And I’d also add the Distribution: field as Hanspeter had suggested a while ago.


>           Jack
> Index: pytables-py.info
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: /cvsroot/fink/dists/10.7/stable/main/finkinfo/sci/pytables-py.info,v
> retrieving revision 1.11
> diff -r1.11 pytables-py.info
> 5c5
> < Revision: 1
> ---
>> Revision: 2
> 8,9c8,9
> < Depends: python%type_pkg[python], numpy-py%type_pkg[python] (>=
> 1.7.1-1), numexpr-py%type_pkg[python] (>= 2.2.2-1), bzip2-shlibs,
> lzo2-shlibs, hdf5.8-shlibs
> < BuildDepends: bzip2-dev, lzo2, cython-py%type_pkg[python] (>= 0.13-1), 
> hdf5.8
> ---
>> Depends: python%type_pkg[python], numpy-py%type_pkg[python] (>= 1.7.1-1), 
>> numexpr-py%type_pkg[python] (>= 2.2.2-1), bzip2-shlibs, lzo2-shlibs, 
>> hdf5.9-shlibs
>> BuildDepends: bzip2-dev, lzo2, cython-py%type_pkg[python] (>= 0.13-1), hdf5.9
> 25a26,27
>> /usr/bin/find %i/lib/python%type_raw[python]/site-packages/tables -name 
>> '*.pyc' -delete
> 36a39,40
>> %p/bin/python%type_raw[python] -O 
>> %p/lib/python%type_raw[python]/compileall.py -q 
>> %p/lib/python%type_raw[python]/site-packages/tables
> 42a47,48
>> /usr/bin/find %p/lib/python%type_raw[python]/site-packages/tables -name 
>> '*.pyo' -delete

Derek Homeier          Centre de Recherche Astrophysique de Lyon
ENS Lyon                                      46, Allée d'Italie
69364 Lyon Cedex 07, France                       +33 47272-8894

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