> On Jul 29, 2016, at 16:12, Greg Minshall <minsh...@acm.org> wrote:
> hi.  i'm trying to "fink selfupdate".  i'm (apparently) running 0.39.3.
> it 404s not being able to find fink-mirrors- on any of
> various finkmirrors.net and/or sourceforge.net servers.
> am i doing something wrong?  or...??
> cheers, Greg Minshall
> ----
> bash greg-minshalls-mbp-2: {1047} sudo fink selfupdate
> /sw/bin/rsync -az -q  
> rsync://distfiles.master.finkmirrors.net/finkinfo//TIMESTAMP 
> /sw/fink/TIMESTAMP.tmp
> I will now run the rsync command to retrieve the latest package descriptions. 
> /sw/bin/rsync -rtz --delete-after --delete -q   --include='10.9-libcxx/' 
> --include='10.9-libcxx/stable/' --include='10.9-libcxx/stable/main/' 
> --include='10.9-libcxx/stable/main/finkinfo/' 
> --include='10.9-libcxx/stable/main/finkinfo/*/' 
> --include='10.9-libcxx/stable/main/finkinfo/*' 
> --include='10.9-libcxx/stable/main/finkinfo/**/*' --include='VERSION' 
> --include='DISTRIBUTION' --include='README' --exclude='**' 
> 'rsync://distfiles.master.finkmirrors.net/finkinfo' '/sw/fink/'
> Scanning package description files..........
> Information about 9897 packages read in 0 seconds.
> The following package will be installed or updated:
> fink-mirrors
> curl --connect-timeout 30 -f -L -A 'fink/0.39.3' -O 
> http://distfiles.master.finkmirrors.net/distfiles/fink-mirrors-
>  % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current
>                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed
>  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0
> curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found
> ### execution of curl failed, exit code 22
> Downloading the file "fink-mirrors-" failed.
> (1)     Give up
> (2)     Retry the same mirror
> (3)     Retry another mirror from your continent
> (4)     Retry another mirror
> (5)     Retry using next mirror set "Custom (package-defined) servers”


Whoops!  Try again in a few minutes—I just now uploaded 
fink-mirrors- to sourceforge.

Alexander Hansen, Ph.D.
Fink User Liaison

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