Do the following.

1)  Rename ('sudo mv') /sw/var/lib/dpkg/available to something else.
2)  Run dselect as root ('sudo dselect) and select 1) [U]pdate --this will
download a new file for you.
3)  If you get an error again, send a message to this list--with the
error messages included.

By the way: what editor did you use when you edited the file the first

Alexander K. Hansen
Associate Research Scientist, Columbia University
Levitated Dipole Experiment
MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center, 175 Albany Street, NW17-219
Cambridge, MA  02139-4213
Phone:  617-252-1818    Fax:    208-988-4057

On Fri, 19 Apr 2002, Matthias Djurkovic wrote:

> Hey Guys,
> I am very new to Mac OS (Apple over all) and obviously to FINK, too! I have
> a PowerBook for 2 Weeks now and I will never touch a Windoze machine anymore
> at home .... :-)
> I've downloaded FINK and tried to install the GIMP over FINK (I have XFree86
> 4.2 and OroborOSX 0.75 installed manually). After I have selected the
> necessary packages FINK loaded the packages. Some packages did compile but
> at some point I got a parse error in the file /sw/var/lib/dpkg/available
> (near line 1610) the field name 'full' needs a colon (or so...).
> I modified the the file, and put a '_' in front of the full (it seemed to be
> a package description). But after that, nearly the same error occured on
> another line.
> I thought, I could resolve this problem by updating FINK to the most recent
> version and did a
> Root# fink selfupdate
> But after that, I receive the rather same error message:
> dpkg -i
> /sw/fink/dists/stable/main/binary-darwin-powerpc/base/fink_0.9.11-1_darwin-p
> owerpc.deb
> dpkg: parse error, in file `/sw/var/lib/dpkg/available' near line 1007
> package `ant':
>  field name `ach' must be followed by colon
> ### dpkg failed, exit code 2
> Failed: can't install package fink-0.9.11-1
> My question: how can I update the /sw/var/lib/dpkg/available file. I have
> the feeling, I broke it myself (since there are some strange line breaks).
> Sorry for this long posting and
> Many thanks in advance!
> Cheers,
> Matthias
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