On Wed, 22 May 2002, Rob Randall wrote:

> I'm not exactly sure when this happened, but whenever I start X, Gnome acts
> like it is starting using Sawfish, but stops with the background color of
> the desktop along with the little tip Gnome tip window that one can toggle
> on and off.  That is all that appears. No icons, no menu bars, nothing.
> Clicking on the screen with the mouse has no effect. I have removed Fink and
> Xfree86 and reinstalled numerous times and it always is the same. I have
> been able to remove Sawfish and just use Enlightenment and it will start up.
> When I do start X with Enlightenment and I switch to Sawfish or any other
> WM, XDarwin will quit if I try and keep the new WM.
> When I remove Fink, I type "sudo rm -rf /sw" and to remove Xfree 86 I type
> "sudo rm -rf /usr/X11R6 /etc/X11 /Applications/XDarwin.app" as on the Fink
> web site. It does remove them but there must be somewhere else that some
> files live because when Sawfish attempts to start, the desktop background
> that comes up is not the default color for Sawfish. It is one that I saved
> the last time I got the Gnome/Sawfish thing  working. When I reinstall
> XFree86 instead of  an "Install" button, it says "Update".

Your background setting lives in your home directory.  You will have a
directory called .gnome .  If you delete this, all the settings should go
back to their defaults: this may give you your GNOME stuff back.

You get the "Update" button on your binary X11 installer instead of
"Install" because you've done the install once, so there's a package for the
installer in /Library/Receipts -- don't worry about it.

> I have the same setup and settings on my Powerbook and everything works just
> fine; .xinitrc file included.
It may be a bad saved session.  Once again, deleting .gnome frequently

> I used the "dselect" command to install Gnome and others, not Fink (after I
> had installed Fink). Someone else had mentioned to me at an earlier time
> that "dselect" was easier to use because everything was already compiled
> because Fink kept squawking that it couldn't find a compiler.

That's right.  A compiler isn't part of the stock OSX installation.

> If anyone can make any sense of my ramblings and would care to comment,
> please do.
> Rob

Alexander K. Hansen
Associate Research Scientist, Columbia University
Levitated Dipole Experiment
MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center, 175 Albany Street, NW17-219
Cambridge, MA  02139-4213
Phone:  617-252-1818    Fax:    208-988-4057


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