I have made various attempts to install grass, which depends on 
postgresql.  These attempts have always failed.  I think there are at 
least two problems here.

Problem 1 - Grass-5.0.0pre3-2 has a missing dependency to 
postgresql-dev 7.2.1-5.

My attempts to install grass have always failed with:

checking whether to use PostgreSQL... yes
checking for location of PostgreSQL includes... /sw/include/postgresql
configure: error: *** PostgreSQL includes directory 
/sw/include/postgresql does not exist.
### execution of ./configure failed, exit code 1
Failed: compiling grass-5.0.0pre3-2 failed

Sure enough, /sw/include/postgresql was missing.  Yesterday, I 
finally did a fink list postgresql, and saw:

  i   postgresql       7.2.1-5      Open Source SQL database
      postgresql-dev   7.2.1-5      Development headers and libraries for Pos...
      postgresql-perl  7.2.1-5      Perl tools for PostgreSQL application and...
      postgresql-pyth  7.2.1-5      Python tools for PostgreSQL application a...
  i   postgresql-shli  7.2.1-5      Shared libraries for PostgreSQL.
      postgresql-tcl   7.2.1-5      TCL tools for PostgreSQL application and ...

I installed postgresql-dev, and that got me a tiny bit further:

checking whether to use PostgreSQL... yes
checking for location of PostgreSQL includes... /sw/include/postgresql
checking for libpq-fe.h... yes
checking for postgres.h... no
checking for postgres_fe.h... no
configure: error: *** Unable to locate PostgreSQL includes.
### execution of ./configure failed, exit code 1
Failed: compiling grass-5.0.0pre3-2 failed

So, at the very least, there is a missing dependency to postgresql-dev.

2. Problem 2 - missing postgres_fe.h.  Even after I install 
postgresql-dev, the grass install fails, apparently because it can't 
find postgres_fe.h (I'm no expert here - is this really the cause?)

I rooted around in /sw/include/postgresql, and found 
/sw/include/postgresql/server/postgres.h and postgres_fe.h, and I 
found /sw/include/postgresql/internal/postgres_fe.h.  Could either of 
these be the ones grass is looking for?  If so, is that a problem 
with the grass package, or the postgresql package?  Or, is there 
something I should do on my system to sort all this out?


Kevin Horton

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