On Thursday, October 24, 2002, at 09:34 PM, David Knapik wrote:

I'm currently running wxpython-wxgtk on Mac OS 10.1.5 and I need to upgrade to 2.3.3.x (because one of my apps' new version uses it), which is mentioned extensively on www.wxpython.org, but which I can't seem to get using Fink. That would be okay, and I'd just try it out directly from them (especially since they have a Mac OS X version now -- but I don't know where to move the files their installer gives me in order for them to work (i.e. where do I move them in relation to my Fink /sw folder?). Their installer, of course, installs into my /users/mylastname directory, but my apps still seem to run off what's in the /sw folder.

any advice?

I am not sure if that binary they provide corresponds to the wxpython-wxgtk fink provided, and I am also not sure if it is 100% Jaguar-clean (it seems to be basically a 10.1 version, and their own /usr/local/bin/python you need to install with the MachoPython package seems to have some problems loading dylibs. It should also be unnecessary, since 10.2 provides python in
However, it basically appears to work with the occasional error message about unsupported locales etc., and maybe it will crash at some point...
Actually, it should not install into your home directory but into /Library and /usr/local. So to use it with your fink python there are basically two options: set


or add

/Library/Frameworks/Python.framework/Versions/2.2/lib/python2.2/site- packages

to your PYTHONPATH variable. The former has the disadvantage that PYTHONHOME appears to accept only two elements, since I have it normally set to "/usr:/sw" to use both the system-installed and the fink modules, I cannot add another one.
I don't know if it includes Gtk support, though. I have tried to use this wxPython installation to load the plt module from scipy, which works, but trying to plot only produces an empty window and an endlessly spinning rainbow wheel. I was in fact not able to kill that window by any other way than exiting python.
So, your mileage in getting this to work with your applications may vary, but the above should at least allow you to load it.


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