On Saturday, November 2, 2002, at 04:19  PM, Peter Lichtner wrote:

noticed that my PowerBook has the same problem---but it is using the lastest version of fink and gnuplot (running MacOSX 10.2.1)

[localhost:~] peterlichtner% fink --version
Package manager version: 0.11.0
Distribution version: 0.4.9.cvs

and gnuplot 3.8h.0-8.

I get:

gnuplot> set term x11
unknown or ambiguous terminal type; type just 'set terminal' for a list

Using the exact same version of gnuplot here, and it even defaults to terminal x11 when only DISPLAY is set (i.e. directly calling 'gnuplotx' and not having GNUTERM set).
Which xfree86 packages did you have installed when building gnuplot -- could it be that some development headers are now missing from xfree86-base-shlibs that would be needed to compile x11 support in? I noticed xfree86 is actually not required for the build, though it would normally be safe to assume anyone who wants to use in in Xwindow would have xfree86 installed at compile time. Maybe the splitoff of xfree86-base-shlibs has caused some issues here.


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