A way of getting the pdf in landscape format is to use the "geometry" 
package in latex with the landscape option, i.e.
Then use your same commands to produce the file Land.ps and then just 
ps2pdf Land.ps. This should give Land.pdf in landscape format. 


On Mon, 17 Feb 2003 05:22:03 -0800 (PST), "Vivien Mary Kendon"
> This probably isn't a problem with the fink side of the tetex
> distribution, but since we are discussing it, I thought I'd try asking
> anyway.  I can get perfectly good landscape ps output from my latex
> document, but I can't get landscape pdf output from it.
> I'm on all the latest 2.0-5 tetex, and ghostscript 8.0.
> Here's what I'm doing, lets call my document Land.tex:
> I'm making slides for a presentation, note the preamble starts 
> \documentclass[a4paper,landscape]{slides}
> I run latex as usual: latex Land
> To view it as a dvi, I use the flags
> xdvi -paper a4r Land
> To convert it to ps I use the flags
> dvips -t landscape -o Land.ps Land
> This works fine, viewed in gv it comes out upside down until you "swap
> landscape" but that's not a problem.
> But dvipdf and ps2pdf don't have a flag for landscape!
> I tried using the paper size flags
> and that turns a4 the paper sideways OK, but does not put the images in
> the right place on the paper (it is either off to the left with ps2pdf,
> or
> starts off the top of the page with dvipdf).  I'm viewing the pdf output
> in gv.  I've tried a bunch of other things too, and waded through a lot
> of
> the gs docs, but nothing useful came out of it.
> Feel free to tell me to shut up and go elsewhere if this is out of place
> on this list...
> Thanks in advance,
> -- Viv
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