
I'm trying to update librsvg2 to its newest version. However, it depends on
pango1-dev, which doesn't exist in the newest unstable version of pango1. It
tries and fails to downgrade pango1-shlibs to the old version because of

Can this be fixed, so librsvg2 doesn't depend on pango1-dev? Or do I have
the problem totally wrong and there's something else that needs to be done?


-- sinclair44

[self becomeWorldDictator];

- (void)becomeWorldDictator
[self coverLegalButt];

[[GeorgeBush principalClass] assassinate:[world currentLeaders]];
[[BinLaden principalClass] terrorize:[world citizens]];
[world setCurrentLeaders:[NSArray arrayWithObject:self]];

- (void)coverLegalButt
/* The above does not reflect any plans, expressed or implied, real or
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way or form. Any relation to actual events is purely coincidental. */

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