Rafe Howell wrote:

I've installed Panther but now I'm inclined to revert back to Jaguar because many *essential* unix apps aren't yet available through Fink for 10.3. Since Xcode Tools allows one to install the older compilers, as well as the new gcc 3.3, why can't I still use Fink in Panther and have it recognize that I have all of these compilers, thus allowing me to install all of the apps that I'm used to seeing while using Jaguar? That is, can't Fink use these older compilers to build the apps that were previously stable/unstable in 10.2?

Thanks for any help. I'm putting Jaguar on as we speak...

Because the compiler isn't the only thing that's changed. Many libraries and headers have changed since Jaguar.

Benjamin Reed a.k.a. Ranger Rick -- http://ranger.befunk.com/
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