> In order to fix it, we need to know what "it" is that changed on your
> machine. What new version of what fink package(s) did you install that
> led to this change in accent display?


If I had a clue, I would have given it.  In the last two weeks I have
mainly done updates and the number of packages I have installed myself (lv
and lha as far as I can remember and probably fix-apple-x11 -the file is
dated June 26) is small compared to those installed during the updates
(opensp4 for instance).

Most of the time I look only superfically to the messages, focusing on the 
errors (mostly in English!) if any. So if the messages had turned to 
Japanese I would probably have spotted the change immediatly, but if it had 
been to English, it would have taken much more time for me to notice it.

For the present change, if the accents had totally disappeared, I would 
probably spotted it rapidly (I am old enough to find French without accents 
difficult to read), but I am used to see accents followed by letters and 
found the convention almost as legible as the accented text, so it took me 
sometimes to see the difference.

In order to trace the problem I looked at some old mails to find the last
one with accents (June 21).  I don't think lv or lha are good candidates to
explain the change.  I have thought to fix-apple-x11, so I have removed it,
but it did not change anything (except the error is gone).  So either the
package does not cleanup its mess or the problem is linked to something
else.  My bet is that it is linked to the latest changes in the Fink core
and/or the emacs ones.  Since I have no idea on how the localization is
generated and the logic of all the (x)emacs changes in the last weeks, I
cannot go further.

If you have any suggestion to where I should look, I'll be glad to do it.



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