Attempting a selfupdate, I got (approximately)

 parse error, in file `/sw/var/lib/dpkg/status' near line 4695
  package `libgettext3-dev':
   missing version

 failed: Can't install gettext-dev-0.10.40-24

Investigating file /sw/var/lib/dpkg/status, I found that line 4695 was blank, and was preceded by only four lines of information about libgettext3-dev: Package:, Status:, Section:, and Architecture:. There was no Version: line, or anything more about this package.

After a number of unsuccessful workarounds, I succeeded in installing gettext-dev-0.10.40-24: I made myself owner of /sw/var/lib/dpkg/status and /sw/var/lib/dpkg/; I added a line

Version: 0.10.40-24

then I copied the remaining info lines for this package from /sw/var/lib/dpkg/status-old; finally, I ran

fink install gettext-dev-0.10.40-24

I got a warning:

 dpkg: serious warning: files list file for package
 `libgettext3-dev' missing, assuming package has no
 files currently installed.

but the install command succeeded nevertheless, after which the selfupdate and a subsequent update-all were uneventful.

OS:     10.3.9
Tree:   10.3/unstable

Thanks as always,


PS: There are only the same four lines for the following package, fink-buildlock-rtf-parser-pm-1.09-1, but in my case at least, apparently this didn't matter. I don't know if it's an error that might matter for someone else, though.

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