
Something happened recently to change my pdflatex' default paper size to
A4.  It may have been the upgrade to tetex 3.0-2 from tetex 3.0-1, but I
can't be sure.

I have tried all manner of "texconfig paper letter" and "texconfig-sys
paper letter" commands, as well as running texconfig and texconfig-sys
interactively, as root an as myself, but pdflatex insists on making
PDF's the size of A4 paper.

I've also perused a lot of config files, and the only one I can find
that seems to indicate a default paper size of a4 is
/sw/share/texmf-dist/dvipdfm/config/config.  But (a) its modification
date is Nov 24 2003, and (b) dpkg says that it's part of tetex-texmf,
which is still version 3.0-1.

Running latex and then dvipdf (or latex, dvips, and ps2pdf) *does* make
the right size PDFs, but then all my fraction bars seem way too big (on
screen and in print).

So where's the pdflatex configuration file that I can't find?

Any other ideas?

$ sw_vers;fink --version
ProductName:    Mac OS X
ProductVersion: 10.4.5
BuildVersion:   8H14
Package manager version: 0.24.14
Distribution version: 0.8.0.cvs
$ fink list -i tetex
Information about 5682 packages read in 2 seconds.
 i   tetex            3.0-2        Complete distribution of the TeX typesett...
 i   tetex-base       3.0-2        Base programs for a teTeX installation
 i   tetex-texmf      3.0-1        Main texmf tree for a teTeX installation

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Dan Sommers

Dan Sommers

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