I'm using fink unstable with Leopard.  I'd like to use the xv image
viewer, but I get:

bash-3.2$ fink install xv
Can't resolve dependency "glut (>= 3.7-1025)" for package
"libjasper1-1.701.0-1003" (no matching packages/versions found)
Exiting with failure.
bash-3.2$ fink install libjasper1
Can't resolve dependency "glut (>= 3.7-1025)" for package
"libjasper1-1.701.0-1003" (no matching packages/versions found)
Exiting with failure.

It looks like l ibjasper1 has been superceded by libjasper.1.  I tried
to install that with a plan to fiddle with xv.info to get it to use
libjasper.1 instead of libjasper1, but I was unable to install
libjasper.1 either (see separate bug report).

Is anybody out there using xv?


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