On Jul 11, 2008, at 9:55 PM, Stan Sanderson wrote:

> On Jul 11, 2008, at 5:15 PM, Martin Costabel wrote:
>> Stan Sanderson wrote:
>>> Scribus134 installed without a problem on my PPC, 10.5.4, running
>>> xquartx 2.2.3.
>>> However, when the Scribus window(s) appears, no legible text is
>>> visible. Some squiggles are present, but are not legible enough to
>>> determine if they are noise or from a particular font.
>>> I have moved the ~/.scribus file aside, and checked my fonts.
>>> Other  X11 applications appear to be working (e.g., Gnumeric,
>>> Inkscape, Gimp  2.0) as expected.
>> Have you tried other qt3-using applications, like qtconfig?
>> --  
>> Martin
> qtconfig shows the same noise on its panels. I currently have the
> following installed:
> i   qt3              3.3.8-1026
>  p   qt3-bin
>  i   qt3-designer     3.3.8-1026
>  i   qt3-designer-sh  3.3.8-1026
>  i   qt3-doc          3.3.8-1026
>  i   qt3-linguist     3.3.8-1026
>      qt3-mysql        3.3.8-1021
>      qt3-postgresql   3.3.8-1021
>  i   qt3-shlibs       3.3.8-1026
>  i   qt3mac           3.3.8-12
>  i   qt3mac-apps      3.3.8-12
>      qt3mac-doc       3.3.8-12
>      qt3mac-mysql     3.3.8-1001
>      qt3mac-postgres  3.3.8-1002
>  i   qt3mac-shlibs    3.3.8-12
> note that my fink is an upgrade (on July 9) from the 10.4 install,
> done after installing 10.5.1, updating it to 10.5.4 and installing
> xquartx 2.2.3.
> I have now done a fink remove for the qt3mac and related and am
> rebuilding qt3. I will report when completed.

OK- I have rebuilt qt3 with no change in the results. qtconfig returns  
the same squiggly noise-type tiny symbols on the panels. Now what...?


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