On Tue, Sep 1, 2009 at 10:29 AM, Martin Costabel<costa...@wanadoo.fr> wrote:
> I don't know how you do this, but it's not what I get on Leopard. Are you
> sure you aren't running Tiger?

Yes, it's Leopard.  Specifically, as I said in my earlier message, 10.5.8.

> Or do you set or unset the environment variable COMMAND_MODE in one opf your 
> startup scripts?

Ah, now we're on to something.  I do have COMMAND_MODE set to legacy,
so that explains that.  Thanks.

I was surprised to discover this setting in my environment, since it's
not set in any of the bash startup files, either system or mine.  It
turns out that the culprit is iTerm.  If I ssh in, COMMAND_MODE is not
set at all; if I fire up Terminal.app, it's set to unix2003.  But if I
run iTerm, I inherit COMMAND_MODE=legacy.  Odd feature, that.

Mark J. Reed <markjr...@gmail.com>

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