Alexander Hansen <> said:
> There's another option to consider which involves not a whole lot of
> work for you.  Once you find your list of packages that you'd like to
> have -py27 variants for that don't currently have them, you can edit
> the package description as a superuser (you can see which file needs
> to be edited by running 'fink dumpinfo -finfofile packagename', making
> sure to include the -py26) and add 2.7 to the available python
> versions in the Type: python field.  Then try to build the package,
> and if it works, email the maintainer to let them know that their
> package can be trivially updated for 2.7.  If it doesn't work, also
> email the maintainer to let them know.

Two quick notes: 1) You don't usually need to be superuser to edit the
package description (".info") files. 2) python2.7 landed in fink a
week ago, I don't think anyone with the exception of the maintainer
himself has even had a chance to work on adding -py27 variants to
their pythonmod packages. We'd love the help!


Daniel Macks

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