> For Xcode versions before Apple decided that the command line tools
> should be separate, a versioned dependency on "xcode" generally meant
> that a package was looking for a fixed command-line element, e.g. a fix
> to the linker, rather than anything referring to the Xcode app.
> To be consistent with past practices, we decided that "xcode" should
> refer to the command-line tools in Xcodes with separate command-line
> packages.  Admittedly, this can be a little confusing.
> And unfortunately I'm pretty sure we're not allowed to repackage Xcode
> and/or the command line tools so that Fink can install them.

I just ran into a very similar problem after updating to Xcode 4.5. 
Noting that fink list showed xcode.app as version 4.5.1, while xcode was still 
at 4.4.0 
allowed me to realise that the command line tools had not been updated along 
the main app (which really is extremely annoying - Apple might have a right to 
not everyone using Xcode would want or need the command line tools; but if they 
ARE already selected and installed, to omit them from the update is just 
utterly stupid!).

However even though I had been through the whole process finding my way to go 
the preferences and select the right tab etcetc. took a while, and I think one 
can easily 
get lost there… Even if fink certainly cannot install the tools on its own, 
perhaps it 
would help to include the information given by Martin to xcode.info as 
something like

This package represents the C/C++/ObjC developer tools
 provided by Apple.  If it does not show as installed,
 you can download Xcode (for OS 10.5, 10.6, and 10.7)
 or the Command Line Tools For Xcode (OS 10.7 or later)
 from Apple at:…

If you have already installed the Xcode toolset (xcode.app), 
these Tools are also embedded within the Xcode IDE and 
can be installed using the Downloads pane within the Xcode 
Preferences. You need to repeat this step after every update 
of the Xcode toolset.

[Ideally, `fink list xcode` should perhaps show xcode as outdated if xcode.app 
installed in a newer version, but I don't know how feasible that is… Even after 
updating the command line tools, xcode still shows up as…. vs. 
xcode.app 4.5.1]


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