Thanks Alexander and Haspeter!

Now, I could live without qt5, but apparently matplotlib depends on it now.
Oh well, so I have to install the whole xcode just for MPL…


On 10 June 2015 at 12:36, Hanspeter Niederstrasser <>

> On 6/10/2015 6:14 AM, Alan wrote:
>> Trying to update my fink and I found this:
>> Can't resolve dependency " (>= 5.1.1)" for package
>> "qt5-mac-enginio-5.4.2-2" (no matching packages/versions found)
>> —
>> xcode-select version 2339.
>> fink -V
>> Package manager version: 0.38.5
>> Distribution version: selfupdate-rsync Wed Jun 10 12:11:30 2015, 10.10,
>> x86_64
>> Trees: local/main stable/main stable/crypto
> Qt5 needs, not just the command line tools, to build. You need
> to get the full Xcode package from either the App Store or
>  For 10.10, you want Xcode 6.3.2, and make sure that
> your command line tools are updated to match this version with
> 'xcode-select --install'.
> Hanspeter

Alan Wilter SOUSA da SILVA, DSc
Bioinformatician, UniProt
European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI)
European Molecular Biology Laboratory
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus
Cambridge CB10 1SD
United Kingdom
Tel: +44 (0)1223 494588
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