On Mon, 7 Dec 2015 00:24:50 -0700, Greg Satz <s...@iranger.com> wrote:
> export CFLAGS="-I/sw/lib/libspeex1/include -I/sw/include -I$X11_INCLUDE_DIR"
> export LDFLAGS="-L/sw/lib/libspeex1/lib -L/sw/lib/libopenjpeg 
> -L/sw/lib -L$X11_LIBRARY_DIR -lX11 -lXext"
> mkdir finkbuild
> pushd finkbuild
> /sw/src/fink.build/libavcodec56-2.4-shlibs-2.8-1/ffmpeg-2.8/finkbuild 
> /sw/src/fink.build/libavcodec56-2.4-shlibs-2.8-1/ffmpeg-2.8
> ../configure --prefix=/sw --prefix=/sw/lib/ffmpeg-2.4 \
> ERROR: freetype2 not found
> Distribution version: selfupdate-cvs Sun Dec 6 22:19:34 2015, 10.7, x86_64

This affects multiple libavcodec* on 10.7 (an OS platform and fink 
distro that is no longer supported). The direct cause is that the 
explicit CFLAGS set by the fink build script gets passed early on the 
compiler line, whereas autodected flags from various dependent libs get 
passed later. As a result, some of x11's freetype headers are seen 
rather than finks's even though fink's is detected. The compiler is 
seeing a mixture of both header suites, which are not compatible with 
each other. 

Possibly using the 'flag-sort' compiler wrapper would solve it by 
putting the flags in a sane order. But even better would be to avoid 
needing to pass x11 paths at all, or do so in a way that they do not 
have such high priority in so many places. Is that flag-passing needed 
on the 10.7 distro, or just for 10.11 or other advanced systems that 
don't have /usr/X11* symlinks? On my stock 10.7, 
libavcodec56-2.4-shlibs-2.8-1 builds fine without it. I'll be at my 
10.10 with fink's 10.9-libcxx distro and wacky x11 setup tonight to see 
if it's needed there. 


Daniel Macks

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