Hi there,

(just joined the list)

On this page: http://www.finkproject.org/download/srcdist.php, I think it
is worth highlighting that the Xcode license acceptance step needs to be
taken only if the full Xcode app is installed (and not required for just
the Command Line Tools). That fact is not intuitive for newbies like me and
took me quite sometime to figure out why I was getting an error when I ran
the xcodebuild license command after installing the command line tools on
OS X 10.11.6.

I'd suggest changing it to the following (indented the point which mentions
about the license so it appears as part of the previous point and also
bolded the condition):

*If you install the full Xcode on 10.7-10.12, you will also want to run:*

*         xcode-select -switch /path/to/Xcode.app/Contents/Developer*

*             where you should replace /path/to with the actual path to the
Xcode app.*

*             You will also need to run *

*                sudo xcodebuild -license*

*               to accept the terms of the Xcode license in order for
fink's build user to work.*


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