Alexander Hansen <> said:
>> On Nov 14, 2016, at 08:31, William G. Scott <> wrote:
>> BTW, BLT still compiles fine on my 10.11.6 machine at work.  I haven’t had a 
>> chance to test on anything with 10.12 and my home internet has been down 
>> since the orange coup.
>> William G. Scott
>> Director, Program in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
>> Professor, Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry
>> and The Center for the Molecular Biology of RNA
>> University of California at Santa Cruz
>> Santa Cruz, California 95064
>> USA
> I got the same error on 10.12:
> gcc -Wall -O3 -fno-common -Wall -fno-strict-aliasing 
> -I/sw/include/tcltk-private/tk8.6/generic 
> -I/sw/include/tcltk-private/tk8.6/unix   -I. -I.  -I/sw/include 
> -I/usr/X11/include  -o bltwish \
>               -DTCLLIBPATH=\"/sw/lib/tcl8.6\" \
>               ./bltUnixMain.c libBLT.a -L/sw/lib -ltk8.6 -ltcl8.6 -lX11 
> -ljpeg -lm   
> ld: library not found for -lX11
> Even though I’m fully provisioned with convenience symlinks:
> Fionna-4:finkinfo hansen$ ls -l /usr
> total 16
> lrwxr-xr-x     1 root  wheel      8 Nov  1 08:28 X11 -> /opt/X11
> lrwxr-xr-x     1 root  wheel      8 Nov  1 08:28 X11R6 -> /opt/X11
> During the configure phase I show:  
> checking for X... libraries , headers /usr/X11/include
> and config.log has 
> configure:2964: gcc -E -I/sw/include conftest.c >/dev/null 2>conftest.out
> In file included from configure:2960:
> /sw/include/X11/Intrinsic.h:53:10: fatal error: 'X11/Xlib.h' file not found
> #include        <X11/Xlib.h>
>                 ^
> 1 error generated.
> It turns out that Fink’s libxt package was the culprit here for me.  By 
> removing that the build was able to proceed.  We’re going to be phasing libXt 
> (non-flat) out since it didn’t behave as we had hoped, but currently either 
> libxt or libxt-flat will trigger this.

It's a bug in autoconf2.13 (!) that has always given rare/sporatic
fails that we could never track down, but now our libxt made the fail
more likely and more reproducible. I just committed a patch to blt to
fix the bug.


Daniel Macks

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