Yup.  I believe sourceforge does do some filtering, but we still have messages 
from entities who aren’t subscribed to the list that require human intervention 
to decide whether they’re legitimate or not.  It’s surprisingly easy to click 
on the wrong button when moderating the queued messages.  

Phishing messages can come from compromised accounts of real subscribers, too.  
We’re able to remove and ban subscribed addresses in the event that such a 
thing happens.  

So, to the best of our knowledge, the mailing lists are fine.  


> On Feb 1, 2017, at 07:17, Hisashi T Fujinaka <ht...@twofifty.com> wrote:
> You get what you pay for. Sometimes suspicious emails leak through.
> On Wed, 1 Feb 2017, Alan wrote:
>> Hi, I am just checking if the list is ok because I got a suspicious email:
>> ----------------------
>> Hi fink-users@lists.sourceforge.net,
>> Please note your account would be temporarily locked due to some certain 
>> updates with your server.?
>> Kindly Click here to unlock and continue your free usage by verifying you 
>> are the owner of this account.
>> Ignorance will lead to temporary suspension of your service provision
>> NOTE: This is a one time user verification carried out in purpose to provide 
>> a more secured platform and shut down robot or
>> malicious users created in purpose of spamming and other fraudulent 
>> activities.?
>> Best,
>> (C) 2017 Mail. All rights reserved. NMLSR ID 399801
>> ----------------------
>> The 'Click here' link raised a warning in my Gmail account and Antivirus 
>> detector.
>> Thanks,
>> Alan
>> --
>> Alan Wilter SOUSA da SILVA, DScSenior Bioinformatician, UniProt
>> European Bioinformatics Institute (EMBL-EBI)
>> European Molecular Biology Laboratory
>> Wellcome Trust Genome Campus
>> Hinxton
>> Cambridge CB10 1SD
>> United Kingdom
>> Tel: +44 (0)1223 494588
> -- 
> Hisashi T Fujinaka - ht...@twofifty.com <mailto:ht...@twofifty.com>
> BSEE + BSChem + BAEnglish + MSCS + $2.50 = coffee

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