Hello all,

It appears that the MacOS 10.12 branch of Fink has a problem. The package 
scribus-aqua-1.4.5-1 depends on boost1.53.systempython, and that package is 
nowhere to be found in a list of fink apropos boost. I don't know whether the 
solution is to change the dependency a higher version of boost, or try to bring 
in the older boost version.

sudo fink install scribus-aqua
Information about 10184 packages read in 1 seconds.
Can't resolve dependency "boost1.53.systempython" for package
"scribus-aqua-1.4.5-1" (no matching packages/versions found)
Exiting with failure.

fink --version
Package manager version: 0.41.1
Distribution version: selfupdate-rsync Tue Jun 27 07:32:19 2017, 10.12, x86_64
Trees: local/main stable/main

Sean Lake
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