On Feb 9, 2011, at 9:11 AM, Julien Derr wrote:

> Thanks a lot,  chunking works great !!
> but there is still a limitation in doing the mesh. 
> with 
> mesh = GmshImporter2D(geometry)
> geometry is typical an outer circle and an inner polygon. 
> for a polygon with 254 faces, the meshing is fast (less than a second)
> and for 301 faces, the meshing seems infinite (more than many minutes !!! the 
> program is stuck, but without any error! )
> is there a way to use an irregular mesh with polygon of a few hundreds sides 
> ??  I understand it is difficult to push it , but to describe a growing shape 
>  about 500 would be nice; do you think it is doable ?

I don't know. The issue is not how many sides the polygon has, per se, but how 
many mesh nodes and cells are needed to mesh it. It's also possible that FiPy 
is getting caught in similar vectorized operations when it translates from Gmsh 
to its internal information.

If you send me the .geo file (or Gmsh script) that you use to generate the 
mesh, I'll take a look.

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