On Feb 15, 2011, at 12:33 PM, Billy Au wrote:

> I have been trying to use FiPy to model a bottom-up filling process in narrow 
> trenches.
> I have installed python (pythonxy) on a Windows Vista system, together with 
> NumPy and PySparse. I had no problem running the diffusion examples (mesh1d, 
> mesh20x20 etc.) in FiPy but I had trouble running simpletrenchsystem.py. I 
> attached a screenshot of the messages I got while trying to run the .py file. 
> Am I having trouble with the viewer? I have installed Mayavi while installing 
> pythonxy. Can someone please help?

It's apparently a problem with the matplotlib viewer. What do you get from

  import matplotlib
  print matplolib.__version__


You can try editing line 124 of 

    self.image.clim(vmax=datamax, vmin=datamin)


    self.image.set_clim(vmax=datamax, vmin=datamin)

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