On Tue, Sep 6, 2016 at 6:58 AM, Krishna <krishnaku...@imperial.ac.uk> wrote:
> Since python to be a very distributed ecosystem, this question for some kind
> of a starter code,  may not fit well in  a general/computational math
> stackexchange post , nor in this mailing list. fipy's details are certainly
> required to implement an Aitken type dynamic under relaxation. , I.e. one
> needs access to the internal and residual matrices, in order to apply text
> book formulae, and then split the relaxation vectors into individual scalars
> for use in the 'underrelaxation' parameter for each sweep method. The first
> two sweeps must be static/initial 'underrelaxation' so that we can apply the
> formula.

I see. Here is an example of doing Newton iterations in FiPy


It uses the ResidualTerm. If you look at that code, it uses the
justResidualVector, which gives the residual vector. You can also get
access to the matrix and b vector separately. For the under
relaxation, I don't think it's possible to apply it as a vector that's
different for each equation. There is probably some way to do it akin
to what's happening in the ResidualTerm.

Daniel Wheeler
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