Hi Thibault,

I think that you are almost there with your implementation. There are
a few more things to do to get it working.

  - First, use an ImplciitSourceTerm rather than a TransientTerm to
represent "p" in the pressure equation.

  - Secondly, use a CentralDifferenceConvectionTerm in the momentum
equations to represent dp/dx etc. This will give you the implicit
coupling. Also, maybe, in the roE equation, though that is more

  - Thirdly, as this is non-linear, you also need an extra non-linear
loop at each time step.

  - Fourthly, if you can't get this working in a coupled manner. Maybe
try uncoupling and solving each equation separately, but use the
non-linear loop mentioned above. Only when that is working you should
start coupling terms one by one.



On Thu, May 18, 2017 at 5:55 AM, Thibault Bridel-Bertomeu
<thibault.bridellel...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello Daniel,
> Thank you for the paper and the script - I am afraid it will take me some
> time though, its impressive and long work !!
> Regarding the equations, I think I was not clear enough in my previous
> explanations, I apologize.
> In substance, I have 4 variables : ro, roU, roV and roE. They are density,
> velocity along X, velocity along Y and energy.
> I also have 4 differential equations :
> dro/dt + nabla.(ro*[U,V]) = 0
> droU/dt + nabla.(roU*[U,V]) = -dp / dx
> droV/dt + nabla.(roV*[U,V]) = -dp / dy
> droE/dt + nabla.(roE*[U,V]) = - d(p*(roU/ro))/dx - d(p*(roV/ro))/dy
> As you can see, they are written with a fifth variable, p, for pressure,
> that is related to the others by :
> p = (gamma-1.0)*roE - 0.5*(gamma-1.0)*(roU**2 + roV**2)/ro
> this is what I call the equation of state, it is not differential it is just
> algebraic.
> I wager the differential equations above are not the most complex you have
> seen or implemented in FiPy, and I think I succeeded, although of course,
> since the whole thing does not work, I cannot be sure. But then I am stuck
> with that non-differential equation that I would have to solve with the four
> differential (?) to close the system …
> Can you see what I am stuck with ?
> Also, could you please elaborate on the last paragraph of your previous
> e-mail ? « If you do include … » I am not sure I get why you speak of
> linearization and relaxation ?
> I attach the latest version of my non-working script ..
> Thanks for the help
> Best,
> Thibault

Daniel Wheeler

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