Zhekai -

Thank you for the explanation. You're right, I answered a much simpler question 
than you were asking.

The following should do what you want:

velocityVector = fp.FaceVariable(mesh=mesh, rank=1)
topFaces = fp.numerix.unique(mesh.cellFaceIDs[..., 
velocityVector[0, topFaces] = velocityX_Top[..., topFaces]
velocityVector[1, topFaces] = velocityY_Top[..., topFaces]

This obtains all of the faces that surround each of the cells in "top", 
rearranges them into a long list, removes any empty values (different cells can 
have different numbers of faces), and then removes duplicates. The result is a 
list of the faceIDs for all the faces that bound all of the cells in "top".


topFaces = (mesh.physicalCells["top"].faceValue != 0.).value

This obtains the face-evaluated average of whether a cell is in "top". This 
relies on the fact that True and False can be treated pretty interchangeably 
with 1. and 0.. The result is a boolean mask which is True for all the faces 
that bound all of the cells in "top".

- Jon

> On May 12, 2017, at 12:13 PM, Zhekai Deng <zhekaideng2...@u.northwestern.edu> 
> wrote:
> Hi Jon,
> Thanks for answering that. However, I am afraid I am not fully understand how 
> "physicalFaces" field for gmsh mesh could help me resolve this one.
> The "physicalFaces" field, If I understand correctly, is giving me the 
> Physical Line (not Physical Surface) that I specified in gmsh. Thus, this is 
> giving me the faces index on that specific line I specified in gmsh. What I 
> want to achieve is that is there any function that takes sub-domain name as 
> input (in my case "Physical Surface("top")) give me all the faces in this 
> domain (not just faces on one line).
> If I just use mesh.physicalFaces["Top"], it will just return error because 
> "Top" in my case is a "Physical Surface" not a "Physical Line".
> Any help will be appreciated. Thanks.
> Zhekai
> On Fri, May 12, 2017 at 8:54 AM, Guyer, Jonathan E. Dr. (Fed) 
> <jonathan.gu...@nist.gov> wrote:
> There is also a .physicalFaces field defined for a gmsh mesh.
> > On May 11, 2017, at 6:39 PM, Zhekai Deng 
> > <zhekaideng2...@u.northwestern.edu> wrote:
> >
> > Hi All,
> >
> > I wonder is there any way to specify the FaceVariable based on the naming 
> > from gmsh ?  For example, I name my sub domain in gmsh as "top" and 
> > "bottom". In Fipy, I would like to do something similar to following:
> >
> > velocityX_Top = (1-Epsilon*Epsilon)/(Epsilon*Epsilon)*(yFace + 
> > Epsilon*np.sqrt(1-xFace*xFace))
> > velocityY_Top = 
> > (1-Epsilon*Epsilon)/Epsilon*(xFace*yFace)/(np.sqrt(1-xFace*xFace))
> > velocityX_Bottom = yFace
> > velocityY_Bottom = -xFace
> >
> > velocityVector = FaceVariable(mesh=mesh.physicalCells["top"], rank=1)
> > velocityVector[0] = velocityX_Top
> > velocityVector[1] = velocityY_Top
> >
> > velocityVector = FaceVariable(mesh=mesh.physicalCells["bottom"], rank=1)
> > velocityVector[0] = velocityX_Bottom
> > velocityVector[1] = velocityY_Bottom
> >
> > I think it gives me error because the mesh.physicalCells is cell index, not 
> > face index. But is there any way I could do get all face index using sub 
> > domain ID?
> >
> > I have attached the complete and minimal code to demonstrate what I try to 
> > achieve.
> >
> > Thanks!
> >
> > Zhekai
> >
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