Thanks for the links. I had come across the first one, but I haven’t found any 
major speedup using the —inline option on this 1D problem. Initially I thought 
that remeshing would be fairly simple, not unlike what our C++ code does. It 
wouldn’t speed things up necessarily since our code uses a constant number of 
points, but it would increase the accuracy since you are reducing the 
computational window to only contain areas with non-zero concentration (in the 
case of a diffusion problem).

>From the response by the maintainers of FiPy it would seem that this isn’t as 
>straightforward as I thought. I’ll give it another go, though, and would 
>report back if it works. The overhead might be pretty large, let’s see.


  _____________________________________Dipl.-Phys. Carsten Langrock, Ph.D.

Senior Research Scientist
Edward L. Ginzton Laboratory, Rm. 202
Stanford University

348 Via Pueblo Mall
94305 Stanford, CA

Tel. (650) 723-0464
Fax (650) 723-2666

Ginzton Lab Shipping Address:
James and Anna Marie Spilker Engineering and Applied Sciences Building

348 Via Pueblo Mall
94305 Stanford, CA

> On Jul 24, 2018, at 9:19 AM, Drew Davidson <> wrote:
> Hi Carsten,
> Have you looked at:
>   thread
> I struggled to install weave and get --inline working.  I didn't use it much 
> yet, but my initial impression was the speedup was modest.
> Remeshing seems like a great possibility for making problems such as 
> examples.phase.anisotropy run faster (use higher mesh density at the 
> interface), but I am afraid that FiPy architecture (lazy evaluation etc) 
> could interfere.  I hope you share what you find with remeshing.
> Thanks
> On Tue, Jul 24, 2018 at 10:56 AM Carsten Langrock <
>> wrote:
>> Thanks for pointing out the performance order of the solvers. I’ll try to 
>> get pySparse to work to compare it other solvers. It’s also good to know 
>> that I shouldn’t give up on 2D just yet;-)
>> Regards,
>> Carsten
>> _____________________________________Dipl.-Phys. Carsten Langrock, Ph.D.
>> Senior Research Scientist
>> Edward L. Ginzton Laboratory, Rm. 202
>> Stanford University
>> 348 Via Pueblo Mall
>> 94305 Stanford, CA
>> Tel. (650) 723-0464
>> Fax (650) 723-2666
>> Ginzton Lab Shipping Address:
>> James and Anna Marie Spilker Engineering and Applied Sciences Building
>> 04-040
>> 348 Via Pueblo Mall
>> 94305 Stanford, CA
>> _____________________________________
>>> On Jul 24, 2018, at 6:11 AM, Guyer, Jonathan E. Dr. (Fed) 
>>> <
>>>> wrote:
>>> FiPy still does not support remeshing. 
>>> As Dario said, choice of solver can make a big difference. I've not used 
>>> PyAMG much, but PySparse is dramatically faster than SciPy. PyTrilinos is 
>>> slower than PySparse, but enables you to solve in parallel.
>>> I've also found that 2D problems solve much better than the 1D performance 
>>> would lead you to believe. There's just a lot of overhead in setting up the 
>>> problem and the Python communication with the lower-level libraries.
>>>> On Jul 23, 2018, at 6:44 PM, Carsten Langrock <
>>>>> wrote:
>>>> Hi,
>>>> Thanks for the help with getting FiPy running under Linux! I am trying to 
>>>> re-create a 1D nonlinear diffusion problem for which we have C++ code that 
>>>> uses the implicit Thomas algorithm based on 
>>>> J. Weickert, B. Romerny, M. Viergever, "Efficient and Reliable Schemes
>>>> for Nonlinear Diffusion Filtering”, IEEE transactions on Image Processing, 
>>>> vol.7, N03, page 398, March 1998
>>>> I have been able to get results in FiPy that match this code very closely 
>>>> which was a great start. Our C++ code uses a fixed number of spatial 
>>>> points and a fixed time step, but re-meshes space to most efficiently use 
>>>> the size of the array; it increases the spatial step size by 2 whenever 
>>>> the concentration at a particular point reaches a set threshold. I tried 
>>>> implementing this in FiPy as well, but haven’t had much luck so far. I saw 
>>>> an old mailing-list entry from 2011 where a user was told that FiPy wasn’t 
>>>> meant to do remeshing. Is that still the case?
>>>> I’d imagine one would somehow need to update the Grid1D object with the 
>>>> new ‘dx’, but since the CellVariable that holds the solution was 
>>>> initialized with that mesh object, I am not sure that such a change would 
>>>> propagate in a sensible fashion. I think I know how to map the value of 
>>>> the CellVariable to account for the change in ‘dx’ by 
>>>> array_size = 2000
>>>> phi.value = numpy.concatenate((phi.value[1:array_size/2:2], 
>>>> numpy.zeros(1500)))
>>>> for the case when the initial variable holds 2000 spatial points. Maybe 
>>>> there’s a more elegant way, but I think this works in principle.
>>>> Another question would be execution speed. Right now, even when not 
>>>> plotting the intermediate solutions, it takes many seconds on a very 
>>>> powerful computer to run a simple diffusion problem. I am probably doing 
>>>> something really wrong. I wasn’t expecting the code to perform as well as 
>>>> the C++ code, but I had hoped to come within an order of magnitude. Are 
>>>> there ways to optimize the performance? Maybe select a particularly clever 
>>>> solver? If someone could point me into the right direction that’d be 
>>>> great. In the end, I would like to expand the code into 2D, but given the 
>>>> poor 1D performance, I don’t think that this would be feasible at this 
>>>> point.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Carsten
>>>> _____________________________________
>>>> Dipl.-Phys. Carsten Langrock, Ph.D.
>>>> Senior Research Scientist
>>>> Edward L. Ginzton Laboratory, Rm. 202
>>>> Stanford University
>>>> 348 Via Pueblo Mall
>>>> 94305 Stanford, CA
>>>> Tel. (650) 723-0464
>>>> Fax (650) 723-2666
>>>> Ginzton Lab Shipping Address:
>>>> James and Anna Marie Spilker Engineering and Applied Sciences Building
>>>> 04-040
>>>> 348 Via Pueblo Mall
>>>> 94305 Stanford, CA
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