
Thank you again for your advice. I'm guessing you discovered the mesh
problem by visualizing the grid. I will have to remember that for future
projects. I will also strongly consider a new boundary condition for the
center line of the cylinder.

Thank you,


On Mon, Apr 22, 2019 at 11:57 AM Guyer, Jonathan E. Dr. (Fed) via fipy <> wrote:

> Daniel -
> Two things going on here:
> - Your constraint is being applied at the tip of the wedge of the
> cylindrical coordinates. Since this "face" has no area, that Dirichlet
> condition doesn't generate any flux in or out of the domain. Offsetting the
> cylinder slightly from the origin resolves this:
>     mesh = CylindricalGrid1D(Lr = L,nr=nx) + [[L/nx]]
> I recommend giving some thought as to whether it even makes sense to apply
> a Dirichlet condition along the centerline of a cylinder.
> - Because you've introduced coefficients which change with temperature,
> your equation is now nonlinear and so sweeping is required (2 is apparently
> enough). At each time step, execute:
>     for sweep in range(2):
>         res = eq.sweep(dt=dt)
>         rho.setValue(rho_l,where = PCM & (T>350) )
>         k.setValue(k_l,where = PCM & (T>350))
>         Cp.setValue(Cp_l,where = PCM & (T>350))
> With these changes, the evolution seems generally similar to your Grid1D
> case.
> - Jon
> > On Apr 15, 2019, at 1:28 PM, Daniel DeSantis <> wrote:
> >
> > Jonathan,
> >
> > I have just a few follow up questions. Namely, regarding to working
> within cylindrical coordinates. If I switch the mesh to cylindrical, it
> seems the temperature profile never changes, unless I go to extremely small
> time steps. That strikes me as odd. What do you think?
> >
> > Also, the shifting profile seems to reverse, with the left boundary
> condition dropping to ~300K over time while in Cartesian coordinates, the
> temperature rises to 600K over time (a result I would expect). I've
> included a copy of the work with the changes you've suggested previously.
> If you look at lines 23/24, you can toggle the cylindrical grid on and off,
> and in lines 30-34, I've included options for the time steps that work for
> each respective coordinate system. Do you have any suggestions?
> >
> > Finally, in reference to the velocity I would like to incorporate, I
> understand the difference between Cell Variables and Face Variables, but
> why is the rank of the velocity -1? What does the Face Variable rank
> indicate?
> >
> > Thank you,
> > Dan
> >
> > On Thu, Apr 11, 2019 at 8:14 AM Guyer, Jonathan E. Dr. (Fed) via fipy <
>> wrote:
> >
> >
> > > On Apr 10, 2019, at 4:42 PM, Daniel DeSantis <>
> wrote:
> > >
> > > 1) Set a different Cp, rho, and k in just the PCM domain when the
> temperature in that domain crosses over a certain melt temperature (350K).
> I tried an if statement inside the solving loop and I think that has
> worked, based on some print testing I did in the loop. I just wanted to get
> your opinion and see if that was the right way to go.
> >
> > Seems reasonable, as long as you're calling `.setValue()` and not
> redefining Cp, rho, and k.
> >
> > In fact, I wouldn't use an `if`:
> >
> > >>> for step in range(steps):
> > ...     T.updateOld()
> > ...     eq.solve(dt=dt)
> > ...     rho.setValue(rho_melt, where=PCM & (T > 350))
> >
> >
> > > 2) I'd like to move this to cylindrical coordinates with the lengths
> being radii. I'm not sure if the cylindrical grid is working though. And if
> it isn't, is there a way to convert the diffusion equation into something
> that would solve the problem in Cartesian? More specifically, how would you
> write an appropriate equation for the heat transfer of a radial system in
> Cartesian coordinates? In short, how would you write this:
> > > <image.png>
> > > in FiPy?
> >
> > The CylindricalGrids work fine, except for taking the gradient of the
> field, which is an unusual need.
> >
> > >
> > > 3) Ideally, I would move this to a 2D system which is the most
> confusing to me. In a 2D system, heat would be transmitted radially while
> air would be flowing axially. The air would cool as it passes through the
> tube. The diffusion term in the axial direction would be significantly
> lower than the convection term. Can I use the same heat transfer equation
> you've suggested slightly modified? I would guess the equation to be
> something like this:
> > >
> > > eq = TransientTerm(coeff = rho*Cp,var = T) +
> PowerLawConvectionTerm(coeff=rho*Cp*v,var = T) == DiffusionTerm(coeff=k,var
> = T)
> > >
> > > s.t. v = velocity of the air.
> >
> > Looks OK
> >
> > > I would also think that I would have to set the value of v to 0 at the
> wall and beyond, which means v would be a CellVariable like rho and k.
> >
> > Actually, v should be a rank-1 FaceVariable.
> >
> > Anisotropic diffusion is supported in FiPy (see
> but are you really sure you have lower axial diffusivity? It seems to me
> more likely that transport is simply dominated by axial flow.
> >
> > > I also guess this equation would be subject to any changes that would
> be made in question 2, regarding writing a cylindrical equation in a
> cartesian system. What do you think?
> >
> > Use a CylindricalGrid and don't change the equation at all.
> >
> > > Again, thank you so much for your help and I hope I haven't taken up
> too much of your time.
> >
> > Happy to help.
> >
> >
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