Dear Justin,

Independently of the mesh, the cells in FiPy are stored in a 1D array (a

The coordinates of each cell are also available as 1D arrays. E.g., for
a "UniformGrid3D" mesh, one can obtain these as

    X, Y, Z = mesh.cellCenters

In the case of structured meshes, it is possible (but perhaps not
desirable) to create a 'reshaped' view on these 1D vectors. For 3D (but
should be adaptable for 2D):

    X.reshape(Nz, Ny, Nx)
    Y.reshape(Nz, Ny, Nx)
    Z.reshape(Nz, Ny, Nx)
    CellVariable.value.reshape(Nz, Ny, Nx)

Nz, Ny, and Nx are the number of cells in the z, y, and x direction

Best wishes,

On 27/09/2019 20:03, Guyer, Jonathan E. Dr. (Fed) via fipy wrote:
>> On Sep 26, 2019, at 7:29 PM, Justin Pothoof <> wrote:
>> I noticed that if i print(shape(CellVariable.value)) after defining a 
>> CellVariable I get the output (2000,) for example.. which isn't a 2D array.
> FiPy is designed for unstructured meshes, so there is no internal structure 
> to the Variable data. Geometry and topology is defined by the Mesh.
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