>>     Look also at isc_reconnect_transaction() API which allows to
>>     re-connect to the in-limbo
>> transaction at recovery phase and finally commit or rollback it.
> As far as I have seen, this is already done in Jaybird. 

    Very good.

> So the commit can
> be done from any connection, but what about the prepare? My impression from
> this discussion is that the prepare would need to happen from the same
> connection which started the transaction on Firebird, is that right?

    Prepare (and regular commit\rollback) must be done by the attachment which 
was started transaction, of course. Commit\rollback *after reconnect* could be 
done by attachment which reconnects to the in-limbo (prepared) transaction 
some kind of failure where original attachment was lost. 

>> PS I'm not sure it was clear explanation, so let's discuss it...
> I will go over the whole discussion again later this week and come up with
> more questions :)



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