On 12/20/11 22:04, Dmitry Yemanov wrote:
> 20.12.2011 18:22, Paul Reeves wrote:
>>   o Add a checkbox that allows a user to keep SYSDBA/masterkey.
>>     Default will be unchecked. If unchecked then next screen will ask
>>     user to enter new password.
> This gets my vote.

Just one idea. May be not check box, but radio box with 3 choices - keep
masterkey, ask user for password and generate random password (which
will be saved into file $FbRoot/SYSDBA.password). Last method is used in
silent linux install, and people fill OK with it. Certainly I'm not
going to insist, that's not more than suggestion.

BTW, will the default be masterkey or masterke? That's different things now.

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