On 5/27/2013 2:53 AM, Alex Peshkoff wrote:
> On 05/26/13 19:53, Mark Rotteveel wrote:
>> If I understand it correctly, the new wire encryption of FB 3 uses RC4,
>> an encryption with known attacks and vulnerabilities. Wouldn't it be
>> better to research other options?
> RC4 is not more than default wire encryption plugin - if you really do
> not trust it you can easily write your own.
> On 05/26/13 21:36, Jim Starkey wrote:
>> I don't know what Firebird is now using for password validation, but I
>> strongly suggest that somebody look closely at SRP (secure remote
>> password) to generate session keys.
> Use of SRP to generate keys for RC4 is default option in FB3.
>> SRP is immune to all but brute force attacks, doesn't require that a
>> server store anything which, if compromised, would allow password (or
>> surrogates) to be computed, and requires a single round trip for
>> authentication.
> In current network protocol client sends login name and SRP public key
> to server in connect packet. Server's public key and salt are returned
> to client accept packet. Hash of session key is sent from client to
> server in attach (or create) packet as a clumplet in DPB. I.e. no
> additional roundtrip at this step compared with legacy authentication.

Is the attach package encrypted with the session key?  If so, the hash 
of the session key isn't necessary.  If not, the exchange is susceptible 
to a man-in-the-middle attack with a buggered DPB.

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