On 11/08/2014 08:50, Alex Peshkoff wrote:
> On 08/11/14 15:18, Jim Starkey wrote:
>> Adriano, you are arguing that you are right and the rest of the world is 
>> wrong.
>> COM is designed so any language can use it, but C++ can use either as 
>> explicit vectors of method pointer OR as a pure virtual interface.  Either 
>> works, but using it as a C++ mechanism is very simple and powerful.
> Either works as long as vtable in C++ pure virtual interface has format 
> exactly matching an explicit vector of method pointers.
> If some way can be proofed that it must always be so and another format 
> of vtable is just a bug of compiler developers, I'll be glad to continue 
> using c++ pure virtual interfaces (like it's done now).

Current method also has the problem of manually deal with exceptions and
reliable upgrade interfaces, so to make it better, you anyway should go
a slight different approach.

I proposed something who fixed this and also creates a stable vtable,
which can also be accessed by both Delphi and FPC, different from current.

With some small work, it seems I can even remove the necessity to suffix
the interface methods with "Impl" word.


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