On Aug 12, 2014, at 1:37 PM, Mark Rotteveel wrote:

> On 12-8-2014 18:48, Tom Coleman wrote:
>> One bias  of mine that I will confess to is that I hate C++.  Every time I 
>> am forced to use it it turns out to be a horrible PITA.  The last project I 
>> wrestled with was an interface from our proprietary language to ApacheMQ, 
>> and the only interface available was C++.  I develop for several platforms
>> and it always seems to be an endless battle of gcc versions, library 
>> compatibility issues and missing dependencies.
> Totally off topic, but if you are talking about Apache ActiveMQ: there 
> are also C clients available according to: 
> http://activemq.apache.org/cross-language-clients.html

[Start of off-topic AMQ rant]

If you examine the 'C' entry on that page you will find there is no link.

The C++ entry below immediately below it has a link which takes you here:


to the C++ interface.

I did manage to find this, but it depends on the above C++ library.


I will now refrain from further comment about AMQ, - but don't get me started 
on Apache.

[End of off-topic AMQ rant]

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