On 10/22/14 22:54, Michal Kubecek wrote:
> Hello,
> I noticed a problem when connecting to FB3 started as "firebird -s" (on
> Linux). As I was able to reproduce the issue with versions as old as
> April 2013 and I'm not completely sure relicts of my experiments can't
> cause it, I would like to ask if someone else could try to reproduce.
> What I do is start the "standalone" server with "/usr/sbin/firebird -s"
> and connect to it e.g. with
>    echo 'show tables;' | isql -ch UTF8 ''
> from another system. Without "-s" option everything works fine but with
> "-s" the connection hangs.
> >From the network communication and strace output (can be found at
> http://www.mk-sys.cz/tmp/fb3-s/ both for "good" and "bad" case), it
> seems that in both cases, the connection is established and first data
> packet from client (428 bytes, looks like authentication) is read. While
> in the multithreaded case, server reads configuration (firebird.conf,
> databases.conf) and responds to the packet, forked child in standalone
> case just calls poll() on connected socket again so that from that
> moment on, both client and server wait for data from the other side.

Please add a ticket to the tracker.

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