On 11/8/2015 7:14 AM, Dimitry Sibiryakov wrote:
> 08.11.2015 12:34, James Starkey wrote:
>> Or have I missed sonething?
>     RC4 is a stream cipher. For data pages it works much worse.
>     Hardware-accelerated AES is an interesting idea, thanks.
You're absolutely right about stream ciphers for pages.  RC4 and 
ChaCha20 are definitely no-nos.

The best implementation that I've found in both license terms and 
simplicity is D.J. Bernstein's at 

Keep in mind that you will need to use something other than ECB mode.  
People may quibble, but ECB is good enough for me, but if you're going 
to use UDP to a public disk server, you may want to rethink your choice 
of career.

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