Is there a plan to phase out BLR?  Full support of SQL in the engine 
would allow MET to switch to SQL, eliminate the build dependency of GPRE 
(which seems to be getting long in tooth), simplify startup, and 
eliminate the 256 context problem.

BLR was created to allow a language neutral interface back when SQL, 
Quel, and the DEC database language (aka GDML) co-existed.  Only one has 
remained standing, so BLR serves no function.

Going directly from SQL to execution structures is simple and would 
require no changes to the execution structure.  If I remember correctly, 
I did this as part of Vulcan to start the process of BLR phase out.

Given that the next version of Firebird is likely to take a decade 
anyway, why not start the discussion and planning now?

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