Hi All,

   There are user requests to implement statement, transaction and attachment 

   More - it was decided by TTG to implement this feature as mandatory on in 
fb4, see:

   I am responcible for it, so i going to start discussion about it.

   Looking at tickets above we could see three kinds of timeouts:
- statement timeout - to limit maximum statement execution time,
- transaction timeout - to limit maximum lifetime of transaction,
- session (attachment) timeout - to kill idle (inactive) session after some 

   I see the main purpose of this feature as ability for database admins (DBA) 
control "bad written" or "poorly\no supported"  applications. I.e. DBA should 
be able
to not allow wrong written queries to consume all resources, avoid idle 
transactions \
connections to run too long and so on. Also, statement timeouts could be useful
for developers for stress-testing.

   I suppose that feature should be configurable at per-database\per-connection 
per-statement levels. Per-database configuration should have highest priority to
give power to DBA. I.e. application developers could make stronger limits than 
but couldn't get around DBA. By default feature should be disabled, of course.

   Other mainstream DBMS already have support for active statement and idle 
timeouts. I know no example of transaction timeout, though. I think, 
timeouts could bring more troubles than goods and in many cases could be 
by idle session timeouts. Therefore i offer to omit transaction timeouts from
further discussion (but i not insist).

   I don't want to discuss implementation details until we reach agreement on
feature as a whole, except of one important detail - where timeouts should be
implemented: at the client side (y-valve\fbclient) or at the server side
(engine). Client-side implementation could be based on already implemented
ability to cancel statement execution asyncronously. Also, it potentially
could take off some work from the engine (to track timeouts) and could be
more precise from user point of view (as it will include network delays into
time measurements).

   But client-side have also weak points: we still have no support for
fb_cancel_execution at XNET protocol, asyncronous work always more complex
and error prone, Java and .Net providers will be forced to create own
implementation of this feature, it is hard detect if some statement should
not be affected by timeout (DDL statements, for example).

   Therefore i offer to create server-side implementation of timeouts.

   So, below is high level overview of what i propose to implement:

a) Statement execution timeout
- timeout is set in milliseconds, there is no guarantee of exact precision
   (especially under high load). The only promise is that timeout will not
   happen earlier than specified
- timeout value could be set
   - at databases.conf (or firebird.conf) by DBA
   - at runtime at session level
   - at runtime at statement level
   - value of zero means timeout is not set
- effective value of timeout is evaluated every time statement execution is
   started using rules below:
   - if not set at statement level then look at session level
   - if not set at session level then look at config
   - can't be greater than (non-zero) value at config
- when statement execution is started (exec()\open() methods), timeout timer is
- timeout tracked since the moment of the execution start, i.e. timer is not
   reset by the fetch() calls
- timeout timer is stopped when statement execution is finished - at the end of
   exec() method or when the fetch() returns last record
- if timeout happens at moment with no client activity (for example between two
   fetch() calls) it will not take immediate effect, i.e. cursor remains open 
   resources is not freed
- when timeout happens the client call (open\exec\fetch) returns with primary
   error code isc_cancelled (same as asyncronous statement cancellation) and
   secondary error code pointed to exact reason of cancellation
- timeout have no effect on DDL statements
- timeout have no effect on internal statements executed by the engine itself
- client could wait longer than expected if statement backout (undo) takes time

b) idle session timeout
- timeout is set in seconds, there is no guarantee of exact precision. The only
   promise is that timeout will not happen earlier than specified
- timeout value could be set
   - at databases.conf (or firebird.conf) by DBA
   - at runtime at session level
   - value of zero means timeout is not set
- effective value of timeout is evaluated every time timeout timer is started
   using rules below:
   - if not set at session level then look at config
   - can't be greater than (non-zero) value at config
- timeout timer is started when user call of API function leaves the engine
- timeout timer is stopped when user call of API function enter the engine
- when timeout happens the engine immediately closes the attachment in the same
   way as with asyncronous attachment cancellation:
   - all active statements and cursors are closed
   - all active transactions are rolled back
   - next API call by client returns with primary error code isc_att_shutdown 
     secondary error code pointed to exact reason of cancellation
- timeout have no effect on system attachments (garbage collector, encryption 

   Once we get agreement on said above i go to the more details (API changes, 
support and so on)

Thanks for opinions,

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