On Fri, 25 Aug 2017 12:28:17 +0300 Dmitry Yemanov wrote

> I agree it was handy in simple cases, but it had too many conceptual 
> problems. 

I accept that for all but the most simple cases the 'plan' was more or
less useless. But just seeing PLAN (NATURAL) is extremely frustrating.

Is there a simple hack I could do to build FB3.0 with the plan enabled
for SPs? A better interim hack might be an option in firebird.conf but
it would be a hack so I hesitate to propose it. But just knowing
where to hack the code for a personal build might be useful for a few

> I believe we need some other tool for this purpose, maybe 
> INSPECT or ANALYZE command for PSQL objects. Any better idea?

It would certainly be a nice improvement to be able to study the
internal execution of an SP in more detail. As for choice of COMMAND
name - it doesn't seem as if there is a standard. Googling INSPECT
produced hits for Oracle, but only in the sense that their
documentation talks of inspecting an sql statement. ANALYZE seems to be
the preferred term for MS-SQL but again, it didn't seem that the word
is used as key word.

Personally I think it would be better to extend PLAN and EXPLAIN with
an option to dive into the details of a SP's execution rather than add
a new command.

But whatever happened to the SP debugger? If we had that, then I
would be able to see the plan chosen for each statement in the SP,
which would go a long way to helping me with my current problem.

Paul Reeves
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