> > Separately, consider that calendar applications exchange times using UTC
> offset contexts not time zone/region names.  Why?  Local Timezone UTC
> offsets and DST rules are *variable*, UTC offsets are not.
> It's stored normalized to UTC, but the point in also store the region or 
> offset
> is about to also record (to convert back when reading) the data as who
> stored it.

What purpose does the original/source context have, if all the values are 
stored in UTC?

This (AFAICT) is the only issue that we disagree on.

> The PostgreSQL approach with conversions to session time zone seems very
> problematic.
> Should I also say that to make things work I should set my session time zone
> to +02:00 instead of -02:00? It's weird and crazy, but it's how it works.
> See it: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/47555028/postgresql-time-
> zones

I agree that the PostgreSQL handling of the "set time zone" value is backwards. 
 It expects an offset "to" UTC, not the typical "from" ("offset is a numeric 
offset in hours west from UTC." 

What does Oracle report for the same?

> > - You (in Brasília) setup a phone call/meeting, 6 months ago, for
> > today at 7am (Dec 12, 2017 == UTC -2) with customers in Mumbai (5:30pm
> > -- UTC +5:30) and Adelaide Australia ( 10:30pm -- UTC +10:30)
> 7am in UTC -2 => 9am in UTC+0
> 9am in UTC+0 => 2:30pm in UTC+5:30
> 9am in UTC+0 => 7:30pm in UTC+10:30
> Am I making a mistake or you?

I did, I was editing the times to make them seems realistic and I screwed up.

:''-[   grrr

> > 2- the meeting Date/Time is stored with offset == -2.
> But normalized to UTC+0, so a change my TZ region in my TZ database does
> not change conversions for others or cause problems in PK/UNIQUE keys.

On this we agree.


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