
The background of this task in CORE-5612, it contains research details and conclusions.

How much I understood, there is no way to specify what index should be used at system inquiries from *.epp files? If not, is it possible to enable the create/delete, enable/disable indexes on system tables, including standard system indexes?
I would try to implement this if the approach is approved.

In Firebird 2.5, we get around the problem described in CORE-5612 by creating 2 indexes and turning off the indices RDB$INDEX_27 and RDB$INDEX_28 at the right time (then turn it back on).

But we can not act in the same way in Firebird 3.0 because these actions are only allowed by GBACK (attachment->isGbak) and only during the creation of the database (attachment->att_flags & ATT_creator).

Those if you do not want to allow such actions publicly, you could be allowed to do it from external utilities similar to GBACK (dpb.insertString(isc_dpb_gbak_attach, FB_VERSION, fb_strlen(FB_VERSION))), but then need to remove the check for the creator of database (attachment->att_flags & ATT_creator).

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