On 17-9-2018 14:58, Alex Peshkoff via Firebird-devel wrote:
Actual job is done by fb_utils::dpbItemUpper. This function has one 'funny' feature - in almost all cases (exception is support of dialect-1 roles) this function should be invoked for each dpb item once & only once. And itr's not invoked by SRP plugin (you call it SRP client?) - that's done for all plugins when preparing client authentication block for plugins, it's ClntAuthBlock::loadClnt function. Except call to this function username is always passed 'as is' - if it was in double quotes it remains such, it's never uppercased except in dpbItemUpper.

Although I may have mislocated that, but it seems that the only plugin where this is relevant right now is the Srp plugin, right?

That does make you wonder if this shouldn't be moved from ClntAuthBLock to SrpClient.

Mark Rotteveel

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