On 09/12/2018 11:55, Mark Rotteveel wrote:
> Back in 2012 I created CORE-3808 to request support for RETURNING *,
> which should - equivalent to SELECT * - return all columns instead of
> having to manually include all columns in the returning clause.
> The primary use case for me would be to more easily support the JDBC
> getGeneratedKeys functionality, and with better performance than the
> current implementation because it would avoid roundtrips to query the
> metadata tables. I assume this would also be useful for other drivers or
> frameworks that require similar functionality.
> For example PostgreSQL already has this (see
> https://www.postgresql.org/docs/current/sql-insert.html).

For a table with columns A, B, C, but with command INSERT INTO T (A)
..., should RETURNING * returns A, B, C or just A?


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