I've compared various possible implementations of high precision numeric. Except existing in fb4 (decfloat based) were checked native gcc's __int128 and ttmath (fixed high precision library with pure .h implementation). Test performed a mix of sum/mult/div operations in a loop. Native code was compiled w/o opimization - even with -O1 loop was optimized and test completed at once.

Something like this:

    for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
        e += (a / b) + (c * d);

Results are generally as expected (x64):

gcc - 0.5 sec
ttmath - 1.2 sec
decfloat - 10.5 sec

As an additional bonus internal binary layout of 128-bit integer is the same for __int128 on x64 (on x86 unsupported), ttmath's 128-bit class on x64 and ttmath on x86. I could not test other architectures (first of all bigendians are interesting), but looking at the code I do not expect bad surprises from that library.

I.e. I suggest to replace high precision numeric's implementation using decfloat with native 128-bit integer when possible and ttmath in other cases. That will make it possible to use 128-bit integers in all cases when 64 is not enough without serious performance penalty. Comments?

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