On 22.08.2019 19:22, Adriano dos Santos Fernandes wrote:
On 22/08/2019 06:20, peshkoff--- via Firebird-devel wrote:
Before making a choice i want to know why only optimized build is
affected. Pay attention - delete is redefined in it too. Why that
behavior difference?

Alex, my understand is that non-optimized code calls the classes
(std::string, etc) methods/constructor/destructor all from libstdc++.o,
as they are not inlined, but optimized code inlines only the destructor.
The same thing happens with both g++ and clang++.

OK, that makes sense, though something strange remains - when libstdc++.so is compiled IMHO rather high optimization level is used. In that case such destructors are treated as inlineable and should not be included into shared library. But it's invoked by non-optimized code! I.e. in case of optimized code we have 2 copies of dtor - in libstdc++.so and inlined. Is it ok that 2 copies of same code exist? At the first glance that looks like very suspicious (not to say more) interface to libstdc++. In a case when dtor code is changed (for example due to use of new libstdc++ version) inlined code will run anyway and I do not see a reliable way to avoid crashes in such case.

But leaving that problems not directly touching us rignt now - what version of new/delete (std or our) is used by std:: objects when linked with -static-libstdc++? Should be our, just want to make sure.

And last question. I do not accept an argument for not using re2 as shared library. Sorry but "since re2 is C++ library" does not seem to be related with linking it static or shared. We have so lot c++ shared libraries - starting with fbclient ;). I do not want to say that use of -static-libstdc++ is bad solution, just want to make sure in common understanding why it should be used. As for me I see nothing bad with use of shared re2 too. For example decfloat modules are linked static cause API it's API has alot of macros, tomcrypt has size of external objects dependent upon macros defined or not when building it in that way making use of system library dangerous. What is the reason for re2?


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