On 05.09.2019 18:11, Mark Rotteveel wrote:
On 5-9-2019 13:53, Alex Peshkoff via Firebird-devel wrote:
On 05.09.2019 14:33, Jiří Činčura wrote:

it turns out when sending "Arc4" and/or "Symmetric" in op_crypt the Linux builds are case sensitive, while Windows builds are not. Is this expected behavior?

Yes for Arc4 (plugins' names are derived from filenames), no for Symmetric (may be side effect of plugins' case sensitivity).

There is no 'Arc4' plugin file, so how can that be the reason case sensitivity?

But there is ChaCha plugin for wire encryption.
Plugin may be placed in separate file and by default plugin names matches that file name, or it may be built-in, in that case it's placed inside some FB binary. But rules for a name should be the same.

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